Regular Meeting
Monday, December 16, 2024, 7:00 PM
Council Room
895 Frisco Street
Steelville, Missouri 65565
Mayor Terry Beckham brought meeting to order at 7:00 PM and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Bill Bennett gave a word of Prayer.
Those Present: Mayor Terry Beckham, Aldermen Jason Ward, Bill Bennett, Curtis Crouch, Lula Patterson, Comptroller Roben Griggs, City Superintendent Jason Evans, Police Chief Michael Sherman, City Clerk Sandra Richter, Kurt Merseal, Harry Martin, James Hayes, and Amy England with the press.
Bill Bennett makes motion to approve agenda, Jason Ward seconds, all in favor, motion carries. Jason Ward makes motion to accept regular meeting minutes for December 2, 2024, Lula Patterson seconds, all in favor, motion carries.
Unfinished Business: Mayor Beckham reported the gentleman at 33 Church Street moved out of the camper several weeks ago, however there is a building that should be condemned. Jason Evans informed Council that he spoke with the owner of the property and was told the gentleman moved the camper in back in June while they were on vacation. The owner stated that he is actively working on getting camper out now and will install a cable and no trespassing signs, and then tear the house down in the spring. After discussion among Council, Jason Evans suggested to give Joseph Storey 3 months to clean up before taking legal action. Mayor Beckham advised that attorney has everything lined out but he will speak with him to make sure okay to hold off for 3 months.
New Business: Mayor Beckham announced the annual Christmas dinner is December 23rd at 12:00 p.m.
Planning and Zoning: None
Roben Griggs presented payables of $203,769.58. Curtis Crouch makes motion to pay payables as presented, Jason Ward seconds, all in favor, motion carries.
Chief Sherman presented a certified letter he received from Crawford County Sherrif Layman advising as of January 1 they will start charging all municipalities in the county for warrant entry fees and housing fees for warrants issued by a municipality. He suggested before City signs contract with County to have Mr. Kenagy go over it. After discussion among Council, it was suggested Chief Sherman getting his questions answered with Sherrif Layman, and if not resolved take it to attorney.
Jason Evans reported they decided to replace water main on First Street to the creek crossing on Water Street. Water will be off for repairs on Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. They will inform folks in that area on Tuesday of the planned outage. He advised that they have removed all the old tile in the Community Center and are ready to replace with drywall and new lighting. The cost he provided included a portion of what they are doing, so the cost will be less than what the ceiling was going to cost. Evans recommended subbing out the flooring along with the hanging and finishing of drywall. He suggested allowing Concrete Solutions to come in and grind down all the imperfections, then install a multi stage epoxy pour on flooring with a cost of around $23,000.00. It is very durable and easy to resurface if any issues later. Curtis Crouch suggested going out for bid for the epoxy floor and sheet rock installation.
Parks: Kurt Merseal questioned if anyone had questions on Park Panel notes from meeting on December 10. They plan to organize another work day for cleanup at park. He shared the Park Panel is working on a master plan and they are in hopes Council will adopt it. He advised their next meeting is January 14 at 6:00 p.m. Their plan is to look at Jonas Museum in January to make recommendations for it.
Streets: Jason Evans informed that the speed bumps are very effective. Mayor Beckham questioned if we were committed to installing speed bumps on Birdsnest Road. Jason Evans stated it was said that we would install on Euclid Street to see how they worked out.
Sandra Richter shared electric sold 85%, water sold 40%, and city usage 2%.
Public Comment: None
Next regular meeting is scheduled for Monday, January 6 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Room.
With nothing more to discuss Jason Ward makes motion to adjourn at 7:44 p.m., Lula Patterson seconds, all in favor, motion carries.