Council-Meeting Minutes Monday, June 3, 2024 7:00 PM

Regular Meeting
|Monday, June 3, 2024 7:00 PM
Council Room
895 Frisco Street
Steelville, Missouri 65565


Mayor Terry Beckham brought meeting to order at 7:00 PM and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Bill Bennett gave a word of Prayer.

Those Present:  Mayor Terry Beckham, Aldermen Bill Bennett, Jason Ward, Curtis Crouch, Lula Patterson, Comptroller Roben Griggs, City Superintendent Jason Evans, Police Chief Michael Sherman, City Clerk Sandra Richter, Jeremiah Ward, Rob Viehman, Jennifer Whitson, Shah Jahan Ali, Naheed Achter, Harry Martin, Amanda Tinker, Sharon Tinker, Arlando Graves, Lanin Thomasma, and Amy England with the press.

Bill Bennett makes motion to approve agenda, Jason Ward seconds, all in favor, motion carries. Curtis Crouch makes motion to accept regular meeting minutes for May 20, 2024, Bill Bennett seconds, all in favor, motion carries.

Unfinished Business:  None

New Business:  Shah Jahan Ali in attendance requesting approval to open a vape/smoke shop at 100 West Main Street. They would carry cigars, nicotine dissolvable, cigar grinders, water pipes, and smoking accessories. Mayor Beckham questioned if he will be dealing in any marijuana products. Ali said no, just CBD and delta 8 that is less than the 3% THC, which is legal in Missouri. Bill Bennett suggested checking with the city attorney. Mayor Beckham agreed to check with attorney and said Council could probably come to a conclusion at the next meeting.

Amanda Tinker shared that she spoke with officer Friedmann about speeding on Euclid and he suggested her to request installing speed bumps. She also requested moving the speed limit sign to a more visible area. Arlando Graves spoke from crowd and suggested signs be placed closer to railroad tracks. Jason Evans will check into purchasing rubberized speed bumps and order signs. Evans suggested Tinker speaking with the county as well regarding speed limit signs.  Lula Patterson questioned posting a sign for Tinker’s child, which Jason Evans will take care of ordering. Chief Sherman will have his guys to target that area.

Rob Viehman and Jennifer Whitson in attendance representing Trail of Tears Remembrance Committee to share design for statue. They have plans for fundraising in hopes of raising $200,000.00 for statue and other items. He would like Council to keep in mind to budget for the base. They have been talking with Trail of Tears Association nationwide and in Missouri, along with the Cherokees, and they are all on board with their plan. Jennifer Whitson shared pictures of the area on Highway 8 East that they are suggesting to install the statue, which would be seeable from both directions. Viehman suggested the park panel discussing and bringing forth to Council. They envisioned lighting and a walkway with tears leading to statue. The superintendent from Santa Fe, New Mexico promised signage, so Viehman emailed and they will provide signs. He suggested Jennifer taking information to Park Panel to discuss so they can bring a formal plan to Council. Jennifer Whitson shared the Cherokee riders will arrive in the Community Park on June 13 with possible time frame of 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. Chief Sherman suggested letting the county know about the ride. Viehman shared some of the fundraisers they will be holding is a Native American Dinner in August, Native American games at Freedom Fest, and their annual walk on December 7.

Jason Ward on behalf of First Assembly of God requested permission to hold their annual Celebrate Freedom on June 30 at 6:30 p.m. They will have free food, fireworks, and a bounce house for kids. Bill Bennett makes motion to allow event as they do every year, Lula Patterson seconds, Jason Ward “recuse”, Crouch, Bennett, Patterson “aye”, motion carries.

Mayor Beckham shared letter for want list from Chamber of Commerce for 2024 Freedom Fest on July 4th. He questioned Jason Evans if their request were about the same as last year. Evans shared Chamber will hire their own crew to clean up this year, but they are good to go with their request. Chief Sherman said his department will be there. Council in agreeance of Chamber holding their 2024 Freedom Fest.

Roben Griggs advised she is still working on details for the 2024-2025 budget.

Planning and Zoning:   None

Roben Griggs shared payables of $44,615.64. Curtis Crouch makes motion to pay payables as presented, Bill Bennett seconds, all in favor, motion carries.

Roben Griggs requested permission to close a portion of First Street for Purpose Ministries Back to School Bash on July 27th from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Curtis Crouch shared that they usually set up around 8:00 a.m. and run until 1:00 or 2:00 p.m. Chief Sherman advised they will supply barriers so they may shut down street. Jason Ward makes motion to allow closure of North First Street, on July 27th for Back to School Bash, from approximately 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Bill Bennett seconds, all in favor, motion carries.

Chief Sherman shared his monthly report for May with 25 reports.

Jason Evans shared electric crew has completed pole replacement project on Euclid, except waiting for Charter to move their lines to new poles, so they may remove the old ones. They still have a few street lights to put up. Water main on Robin Hill is finished other than 1 hydrant to change out. They will flush out on Wednesday so they may get samples and hopefully get on line next week. Jimmy Chambers got his flow meter fixed so we are in compliance with DNR. Evans met with engineers to go over 2 or 3 projects for next year that they are working on a cost for him to relay to Council. He met with contractor for Community Center and they are looking at about 3 weeks out to start. His crew will remove sidewalks, concrete porches, asphalt in front lot, put 14 inches of soil for them to lay base rock, remove the back porch roof, and remove American Legion posters from walls and tarp them. Evans spoke with Gene from Pierce Asphalt and they are about 2 to 3 weeks out for Robin Hill Drive. Lula Paterson questioned if driveways will be repaired on Robin Hill, which Evans said anytime they do a section like that and it effects the driveway they bring chat and taper it into the driveways. Evans shared he needs to order signs and barrels with his yearly budgeted $5,000.00. He also needs to order 12 battery backups for storm sirens from Mine Supply with his guys installing for $3,127.68. A gear needs replaced in the siren across from Action Auto, which he found the replacement part for $750.00. The siren at First and Hawthorne Street needs replaced and the cost is around $29,000.00, which there is a 5-week delay on. He spoke with Roben Griggs and there is emergency money that can be used for it, if he has permission to order. Chief Sherman stated in reference to tornado sirens that at one point they were able to set them off from their patrol vehicles, but since they have new radios the individual that previously programmed would not install the program to set off sirens, so they spoke with CENCOM and they were able to have their IT guy to come help them to where they could assist his department in setting off the sirens. They plan to test them sometime this week with weather cooperating. Evans shared the feeder line is needing the cracked insulators replaced and the city trucks do not reach. PLC quoted a price of $100,000.00, but have since then come back with a cot of $12,000.00 per week to bring their equipment to replace them. It would take no more than 4 weeks with a total up to $48,000.00. Roben Griggs stated the sirens and electric lines would come from the emergency fund.  Curtis Crouch makes motion to purchase sirens up to $30,000.00, Jason Ward seconds, all in favor, motion carries. Curtis Crouch makes motion to purchase backup batteries for existing sirens $3,127.68, and $5,000.00 for signage, Jason Ward seconds, all in favor, motion carries. Curtis Crouch suggested to table feeder line for repairs for a bit. Jason Evans questioned what the next step is for the tree that was peeled at Community Center when it was rented. Mayor Beckham questioned Chief Sherman if it is to late to make a report on tree, which Chief said it is not to late. Mayor Beckham spoke to city prosecutor and he thinks there is a case. Chief is meeting with the prosecutor tomorrow so he will discuss with him. Bill Bennett questioned gazebo and stated that it needs moved. After some discussion, it was agreed for Park Panel to discuss what to do with it on the 6th when they meet.

Parks:  Curtis Crouch shared Park Panel is meeting on June 6th at 6:00 p.m. to look at Jonas Museum. Mayor Beckham advised he replaced the lock on the back door of museum because it was not working. Jennifer Whitson shared the Park Panel worked Saturday on pickleball and basketball. Mayor Beckham gave James Hayes a big thanks for getting the equipment there. Whitson advised they are still needing end caps to finish picnic tables. Jason Evans will check with Dennis Bell to see if he has some scrap material to use.

Streets:  Bill Bennett questioned if City purchased any new cold mix, which Jason Evans has not, but will order it tomorrow.

Sandra Richter shared shut-off report for month of May as 21 shut-off, 1 still unpaid, and none to be final billed.

Public Comment:  None

Next regular meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 17 at 7:00 p.m. in Council Room.

With nothing more to discuss Jason Ward makes motion to adjourn at 8:14 pm, Bill Bennett seconds, all in favor, motion carries.


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